Feel free to contact us anytime
We try to answer emails as fast as possible – and not later than 1 hour after we recieve them. We work long hours due to the different timezones of our partners, so please call us also if it is late. We look forward to assisting you with your requests.
Eastwest Medico Aps · Gotfred Rodes Vej 2 · 2920 Charlottenlund · Denmark
Landline: +45 7070 1711 · Email: info@ewmedico.com · CVR/VAT: DK33860862

We are happy to have our office in one of the iconic houses in Denmark – the former home and office of the most famous Danish architect and designer, Arne Jacobsen. He built the house for himself in 1929, and it was the first time he tried the modernistic and functional design. He lived and worked here until 1943. In the studio – which is a separate building connected to the house – he and his design team came up with a number of the designs that are still in production today.